PLEAIDES aims to collect data from these studies, incorporate them as soon as possible into the Building Information Modelling model and update them during D&D implementation. The data will then be delivered through a software platform, which will simulate the main issues in a D&D project. This data is envisioned to be used during all the D&D steps, from the feasibility studies to the implementation. The PLEIADES approach remains iterative and will evolve its data according to the implementation of the decommissioning actions in the facility.
Take a closer look
Halden Research Reactor
Santa María de Garoña NPP
Base Chaude Opérationnelle du Tricastin
Facility type: Nuclear research facility
Facility name / Acronym: The Halden Research Reactor
Location: Halden, Norway
Responsible operator: IFE
Short description: The Halden Reactor is located in an artificial cave, under an average 30 to 50 meters rock layer below ground. When the reactor is in operation, the cavern is closed behind locked doors. The volume within the hermetic doors is 4500 m3. The reactor hall is 30m long, 10m wide and has a total height of 26 m. The reactor hall also contains fuel wells for storing spent fuel. Halden Reactor is a 25 MW heavy water moderated and cooled reactor with operating pressure of 34 bar. The energy produced is delivered via steam pipes to the paper factory on the opposite site of the street. The Halden Reactor Project is a joint undertaking of organisations in 19 countries sponsoring a jointly financed programme under the auspices of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). IFE’s board of directors of has decided to close the Halden Reactor permanently and to start its decommissioning. The board will not apply to extend its operating license, which expires in 2020, and the reactor, which is currently shut down due to a safety valve failure, will not be restarted.
- Historical information is not integrated/digitised
- Design information is not actual / analogue
- Challenge’s due to unique early design
- High variety of contaminants due to special experiments (LOCA)
- Need for informed strategic planning
Expected Outcomes:
- 3D modelling
- Radiological mapping
- Dose assessment
- Scenario optimisation
- Costs estimation
- Waste estimation
- Project planning
- Documentation
Facility type: Nuclear power plant
Location: Burgos, Spain
Responsible operator: NUCLENOR (ENRESA in charge of D&D)
Short description: Shut down in 2012 after 41 years of operation, this boiling Water Reactor (BWR-3) has been in the D&D process since 2017. The pipe systems geometry is arranged into isometric drawings, which are difficult to read by external workers not familiar with the plant. Today several drawings of the facility have been compiled, some of them dating back more than 40 years!
Foreseeably, many third parties will be implicated in decommissioning activities so this will present a major problem. To safely decommission this plant, the process needs to include good management of warehouses, an adequate planning of the different activities (taking into account possible interferences and overlaps) and an agile consultation of data and management of planning updates. ENRESA has reported the importance of assuring physical safety for workers and complying with ALARA criteria and is aware of the economic relevance of achieving an optimal waste management.
- Evaluate dose rate for involved workers and effect of barriers
- Planning and 4D simulation, considering the reduction of dose rate for different sequences
- Waste management
- Occupational safety management
Expected Outcomes:
- Scenario optimisation
- Dose assessment optimisation
- Planning optimisation
- Waste production optimisation
- Optimisation of resource/space management
- Optimisation of occupational safety
Facility type: Nuclear maintenance facility
Facility name: Base Chaude Opérationnelle du Tricastin
Location: Bollène, France
Responsible operator: EDF
Description: Created in 1993, this nuclear facility was dedicated to nuclear maintenance. It was used to maintain and store equipment and tools from contaminated circuits and equipment of EDF nuclear power reactors and was also used to decontaminate and dismantle tools and equipment used in EDF nuclear power reactors.
In June 2017, EDF decided to shut down this facility in 2020. A new nuclear maintenance facility is in operation since 2018 in St Dizier (BAMAS).
- Optimise complex operations
- Dose rate evaluation for involved workers
- Schedules & costs
Expected Outcomes:
- Scenario optimisation
- Dose assessment optimisation
- Planning optimisation
- Costs
- Waste production optimisation