The fourth PLEIADES plenary was held both online and on-site in Marcoule, France from the 12-14 October 2022.
Alongside the birdsong, we heard updates from work packages, communication tips, and a presentation from the project officer.
During the plenary there were numerous workshops that, based on the results of activities already done, gave a chance to work together to lay the foundations for the continuation. These workshops looked at exploitation (fulfilling a project milestone), discussions on publication and standardisation; and the launch of work package 4 “Modelling and results evaluation”. A BIM workshop and a user story workshop aimed at reviewing, organising and validating the required data to use the PLEIADES platform, as function of the user stories and the level of data needed in the BIM model.
The coordinator of PLEIADES presenting in front of the consortium at Marcoule
The partners also visited the HERA facility at CEA Marcoule where they discovered LSTD activities in support to D&D projects, the Pres@ge2 Virtual Reality room and tests platforms where, among others, the CEA laser cutting technology L.DCOM® is being qualified.
The last day was dedicated to the WP2 “PLEIADES platform development” training workshop (fulfilling another project milestone). The presentations and discussions focused on the technical choices, the server architecture and communication protocols. The partners shared their developments and taught each other about their tools’ connection to the PLEIADES platform.
The PLEIADES consortium feel refreshed after seeing each other face-to-face and motivated to launch future actions!
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