DigiDecom 2021 was held online during the 23-25th March with a focus on trends in digital transformation, robotics and other technology innovation for nuclear decommissioning and waste management. Attendees came from a range of organisations including from research institutions, international agencies, licensees, contractors, and private companies.
Taken from the event page: https://ife.no/en/event/digidecom2021/
DigiDecom included a whole day session dedicated to digital transformation of decommissioning where topics related to the project and results from PLEIADES were presented by members of the consortium. This day also included 5 interactive discussion sessions where feedback and opinions were collected from the audience related to the concept behind the PLEIADES project, with a specific focus on user requirements. Each group discussed needs from a different perspective.
Conclusions from these discussions will be prepared and reported in a project report that will be available on the website.
Please see the workshop agenda for more details here.
Find out more about the event by visiting the website. All the presentations will be uploaded and information about upcoming DigiDecom events will be posted here, so keep an eye out!